On a Diet Doesn't Mean You Can Not Snacking, Do it On The Right Time

Friday 23 December 2011 Labels: , ,

Some experts said, snacking should be avoided in order to maintain body weight. Meanwhile, an opinion which oppose it say snacking effectively maintain weight loss because it can reduce a large appetite. Which is correct?

Based on recent studies published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers say that snacking should be avoided when we're on a diet, as long as it done in a timely manner.

In that study, 123 postmenopausal women who are overweight are divided into two groups, namely that a program of diet alone, while the rest are on a diet and exercise. After 12 months, turns weight loss is almost the same in both groups. However, in women who snack in between breakfast and lunch experience the most significant weight loss.

Indeed, further research is needed to determine whether the time snacking effect on weight loss. According to lead researcher, Dr. Anne McTiernan, who also must be considered is the frequency of snacking.

"If you start snacking in the morning, then you will tend to eat more throughout the day," he said. According to him, snacking positive impact if the distance intertemporal eat about five hours or more, for example, between lunch and dinner.

"Snacking can increase the intake of nutritious foods and are usually able to control excessive appetite," said Connie Diekman, director of the Washington University Department of Nutrition.

No less important, of course kind of snack. Make sure the snacks are selected to have less than 200 calories, such as low-fat yogurt, nuts, fruit, or crackers Cereal intact.

Muaythai to Make Your Ideal and Slim Body Shape

Thursday 22 December 2011 Labels: ,

Making a slim body is not just a dream if you live it with full of struggles. In addition to diet, exercise needs to be done to undergo in order to maintain the firmness of the body. One exercise you can do that Muaythai, where during the exercise carried out all the muscles of the body moves. With the intensification of the movement is not wrong if thousands of calories were burned directly.

Nano Oerip as Fitness First Fitness Training Manager said that Muaythai can burn 700 to 1,200 calories in 60 minutes. "For starters, the burning of calories ranges from 700-800 calories per session, while for the 'advance' could reach over 1,000 calories," he explained in the show "Press Conference & Coaching Clinic: Muaythai for Fitness, Muaythai for All" at Plasa Bapindo, Jakarta , Wednesday (21/12/2011).

Well, to lose weight by integrating movements Muaythai with cardiovascular exercise, Nano also give some specific tips.

- Perform aerobic exercise for 10 minutes a day like walking leisurely. Increase to 30 minutes per day for five times a week. This will form the basis of fitness and aerobic capacity in your body.

- Eat foods that are nutritionally balanced and healthy to ensure your body has fuel and recovery before, during and after your exercises. Do not forget to drink enough water.

- Integrate Muaythai techniques into your cardio sessions up to five times per week. This will give you the ability to perform basic movements and conditioning your body better while increasing your calorie burning deficit.

Shadow boxing is important in practice Muaythai and shaping techniques and a good foundation before training with techniques more difficult. Add push-ups, body squats, core exercises, jog in place, and jump rope in between movements Muaythai to add variety and intensity of the overall training.

- Rest and selection becomes an important part of the process of losing weight. For that, make sure you sleep and adequate rest so your body can recover and adapt to your training.

Zero Calorie Food List for Your Daily Diet

Tuesday 20 December 2011 Labels: , ,

That is certainly not without calories at all, but the food has fewer calories than the energy you need to digest it. For example, the average calories a tomato 26 calories, but you need 60 calories to digest these tomatoes. Thus, you actually burn 34 calories.

Because there is no research that supports about whether or not in losing weight, zero-calorie food "is categorized as a myth. What foods are included in the" non-caloric "The answer is, apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cranberry, cucumber, fennel, garlic, green beans, kale, leek (leek), lemons, lettuce, onions, oranges, peppers, pineapple, plums, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, yellow radish, tomato, and watermelon.

Some weight loss program claims to use food "zero calories". Basically is if you eat foods on the list, which means it has very low calories, your body will use more calories to digest the food. You must consume these foods in large quantities every day, so the weight will come down. Thus, foods that are "advertised" as a calorie-free is actually low in calories and many nutrients. By adding to the daily diet, you'll consume fewer calories and ultimately lead to weight loss. Foods rich in fiber usually requires a lot of energy to digest. So, not at all surprising if the category is entered as a food "zero calories" are fruits and certain vegetables.

These foods tend to contain more fiber than other foods. High in fiber that causes weight loss. Besides needing a lot of energy to digest, the food takes too long to digest properly. However, please remember, the food in the list will make it easier for you hungry, because the body must work harder to digest.

So, what can you do with any kind of zero calorie foods? Of course eating them. Only, there are several ways to make them look more attractive. One of them is to combine fruits with vegetables.

Mixed Fruit and Vegetables, What can be done with the fruit?
• Snacking on fruit? Why not? Fruit can be a snack food that is okay.
• Fruit is also a suitable dessert.
• Orange juice or other fruit drinks can be consumed at any time.
• Strawberries and cranberries can be delicious and healthy smoothies, or cut into pieces and add to the yogurt.

There are many things you can do with fruit, especially those already mentioned. If time is pressing, plums or apricots can be eaten while leaving for work. Apple
the same way.

Now with the vegetables. Vegetables are boiled, sauteed, baked or less is an important part in the daily diet. Cooking vegetables with a little caution (do not get too ripe) will make a maximum intake. Not only in quantity but also quality, for example in terms of nutrition.

To be more varied vegetables, such as mixing different kinds of fruits in other foods, you can do the following things:
• Insert a slice of lemon to the pan where you cook carrots or add a little lemon juice.
• Add a few leaves of basil or oregano into the tomato soup.
• Add the crushed garlic and a slice of ginger into stir-fry vegetables.
• Use fresh herbs to add flavor salads.
• Season the vegetables. Carrots really like coriander, peas fit with mint, chili peppers for a great couple.

The point is fruits and vegetables are very necessary as daily food because combating many diseases, ranging from heart attacks to cancer. Improving eyesight, makes hair shiny, strengthen teeth and nails, increase energy, also a few of the many tasks of fruit and vegetables.

You do not need to rely on fruits and vegetables because it is low in fat, also contains many vitamins and minerals. However, when deciding to use a hol-calorie foods in the diet, daily, do not forget the importance of protein. Low-calorie diet will lose weight, but you also need to keep it balanced nutrition can have enough energy and active.

To lose weight more quickly, set the day what you will eat zero calories. Zero calorie foods to eat one or two a week and eat a regular on another day.

Weight loss programs that do not regularly it will not only help you lose weight effectively, but also became one of the tricks that your mind is not fixated on weight loss. Therefore, the program is too regularly is more likely it will fail. Congratulations to add a zero-calorie foods in your diet. May the weight down as you expect

What is The Causes of Weight Gain After Marriage?

Monday 19 December 2011 Labels:

Some men and women feels more fat after marriage. This feeling could be not just a myth. The new study presented at the American Sociological Association, declared the marriage can indeed lead to weight gain is quite significant. The study said that after marrying her body weight can be increased up to 33 percent. That number was still in the small scale category. Increased weight on a larger scale, even reaching 48 percent. But wait, do not rush to blame if your marriage has suddenly become obese. Studies conducted in 2006 found that there is a tendency dietary changes in women after marriage.

People who are married tend to often eat together. It is believed to be one cause of increasing a person's weight after marriage. If the husband has to eat more portion, this can affect the appetite of the wife. In other words, the desire to eat a lot sometimes not caused by their own appetite, but appetite comes from eating infected by their partners.

Newly married couples also tend to often make cooking experiment. Spent the weekend together, often synonymous with making a new menu on their food. As a form of appreciation, the husband will eat all the food as a reward for his wife. Meanwhile, the wife will also be affected with husband's appetite.

Amen, men tend to spend more calories than women, even while resting. While the woman's body burning calories at a slower pace. Therefore do not be surprised women are more prone to gain weight after marriage.

Hunger is Not Always Want to Eat

Friday 16 December 2011 Labels: ,

When the stomach is like singing, we tend to respond as hunger that must be filled with food to muffle the sound. In fact, the "hunger" does not necessarily mean we need food.

According to experts at the American Academy of Family Physicians, hunger signals are often the result of physical and emotional needs are felt. In general there are several conditions that could lead to hunger signals:

- Dehydration
The characteristics of dehydrated body is limp and sleepy. This is almost the same characteristics when we are feeling very hungry. And the body will react the same, that is asking us to include food as a source of new energy. Therefore, for those who are dieting, the body's fluid needs should be inadequate.

- "Craving" or wanted to eat something
Feeling of want to eat certain foods, like chocolate, ice cream, or salty foods, can cause persistent stomach "growling". Craving can be caused by many things, ranging from micro-body lacks substance because of the encouragement given to emotion.

- Moderate stress
When emotions are not stable, ranging from feeling angry, lonely, or sad, the stomach tends to feel empty because basically there is a need to find certain foods that can provide a calming effect.

- Need nutrition
When the body lacks energy then it sends hunger signals to the brain. When it was time to eat, you should immediately fill your belly with nutritious food. If we delay too long, might become the head of dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and began to feel exhausted because sugars in the blood thinning. The more hungry then you make the more diasup food.

Easy and Simple Ways to Increasing Metabolism

Thursday 15 December 2011 Labels:

Metabolism is the process where food and calories are converted into energy to perform all body activities. Some related metabolic disorders frequently associated with decreased health status.

Actually, there are some easy and simple way to overcome the problem of metabolic disorders. Here are some simple ways to boost your metabolism through nutrient intake and nutritional:

1. Diet foods rich in iron
Iron intake is especially important to carry oxygen from the muscles to burn body fat. Shellfish, lean meats, nuts, cereals, and spinach are the best source of iron. But keep in mind, taking iron supplements is not the best idea, especially if it gets excessive. Too much iron intake has been associated with greater risk of heart disease in men.

2. Vitamin D
The researchers estimate there are still many people who have not quite meet the intake of vitamin D through their diet or eating patterns. In fact, vitamin D is essential for preserving muscle tissue metabolism. You can provide for the amount of vitamin D through food, especially salmon, tuna, fortified milk, cereals, and eggs.

3. Drinking Milk
There is some evidence that calcium deficiency can slow the body's metabolic processes. Research shows that eating calcium in the form of fat-free dairy foods and low fat yogurt can reduce fat absorption from other foods.

4. Watermelon
A recent study in the Journal of Nutrition claims, the amino acid arginine is abundant in watermelon fruit, can promote weight loss. The findings are based on the results of experiments on mice that are obese and arginine administered for more than 3 months. The result, researchers found that a decrease in body fat increased by 64 percent.

5. Stay hydrated
All the chemical reactions that occur in the body, including metabolism depends on water. If you're dehydrated, calorie burning process may be 2 percent less, according to researchers from the University of Utah - that monitor the metabolic rate of 10 adults related to the consumption of water per day.

In the study, researchers found that those who drank eight or twelve glasses of water a day had higher metabolic rates than those who drank less than that amount.

Diet For Your Wide Hip, What is The Relation Between Wide Hip and Over Weight

Wednesday 7 December 2011 Labels: ,

Someone Asking
Doc, I have wide hips. During this time I am trying to maintain weight, but still just look fat, does it have a relation? Which is better, eat often or eating much at once? Because I work in a place that requires me to many in the area. Thank you...

Doctor Answered:
The size of the wide hip circumference is really related to overweight or obese. Why? This is related to the type of obesity, namely:

1. Abdominal obesity (android obesity, or upper body obesity) that have characteristics have more fat cells larger and more resistant to insulin. Usually associated with metabolic disorders such as diabetes, elevated levels of blood fats or cholesterol, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

2. Peripheral obesity (overweight ginoid, or lower body obesity) have characteristics more fat cells are smaller and more sensitive to insulin. Well, the size of your hips are wide, including in peripheral obesity.

Then how to assess obesity to determine whether a person include being overweight or not? There are several ways that can be used:
* General physical appearance.
* Calculation of ideal body weight using Broca's height according to the formula (ideal weight = 0.9 (height-100)).
* Determine your body mass index (BMI, weight: height (m 2)).
* The ratio of the circumference of your hips / waist circumference (men and women less than 0.9 less 0.8).
* The size of waist circumference (men less than 90 cm and women less than 80 cm).
* Determination of thickness of fat in the abdomen, usually performed by examination or a particular tool.

After knowing the assessment, what to do?
a. Perform a diet with a complete and balanced nutrition, which means that the food consumed still contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water balance of the body needs. The number of daily caloric needs for Princess must first be calculated based on ideal body weight. Usually given as much weight x 25 kcal.

Often because we are already overweight tend to avoid eating carbohydrates or fats. This is a less precise sense because carbs are still required by the body at least 100 grams a day for the activity of brain cells and red blood cells. Likewise, the fat, which is still required as much as 25 percent of the total daily requirement.

b. Feeding schedule should be divided in 5-6 times a day, or a little but often. The goal is that hunger can still be handled so it does not happen "rapel" on foods that will result in a person eat more than they should. As a result the number of calories consumed to excess.

Therefore, for the Princess that many working in the field, sharing best to eat as much as 5-6 times a day, and not eating well. Princess does not have to worry about the hassles that can be tricked by bringing fruit such as apples, oranges, pears, bark, wine, etc. as a snack.

c. Do exercise regularly and measured every day for at least 30 minutes. Since the daughter did not provide data on body weight, height, and type of routine activity that is done, then I expect the possibility of Princess needs about 1200 kcal, and I give one example for 1200 kcal diet with 5-6 meals a division as follows:

* Breakfast (07.00): 2 pieces of wheat bread, peanut butter 1 tablespoon.
* Snack morning (10:00 hours): apple 1 piece, about 200 grams.
* Lunch (13:00): rice 100 grams, 50 grams of yellow fish seasoning, stir-fried tempeh mushroom 50 grams, 100 grams carrots spinach cah.
* Snack afternoon (16:00 hours): banana pancakes 1 piece of content.
* Dinner (19.00): 75 grams of rice, chicken satay spice 50 grams of soy sauce, tofu spice bali 30 grams, 100 grams of vegetables lodeh.
* Snack night (21:00): fruit jelly 50 grams, but can be omitted if you already feel full.

Lose Weight Without any Diet

Monday 5 December 2011 Labels: ,

Although there are many diet modes that can help lose weight, but some of them are considered less effective because it makes you feel less hunger and food intake.

Running a slimming program does not mean that you should reduce your intake of food or even not eat. If you want to slim the healthy way and not painful, try the following strategies:

1. More chewing
Studies show that the longer time you spend to chew, the less amount of calories you consume. Chewing longer prevent a person to overeat by giving the brain more time to receive signals from a full stomach. It is not only good for digestion, but also helps in limiting your portion sizes. Try to chew your food 35 to 50 times in the mouth.

2. Do not miss breakfast
Dense as any activity or work, you should squeeze in time for breakfast. Remember, your body is not the brain. The body needs to refuel several times each day. If you skip breakfast, you will feel so hungry at lunch time so you tend to overeat or may choose unhealthy foods. Skipping breakfast can slow down the metabolic processes in the body.

3. Concentrating on the food
How many times have you reprimanded by parents not to speak, read or watch TV while eating? Reprimand is not without reason. Because, when you eat while talking or watching television, your brain will not focus on the amount of food you consume and you are more likely to consume more food.

4. Do not cook too long
Cooking food for too long will kill or reduce the amount of nutrients. And when you're not getting enough nutrients, you will not feel satisfied and start looking for an unhealthy snack. To overcome this, try eating more raw foods such as salads, and avoid using the microwave.

5. Consumption of fruit before eating
Encouraged to eat fruit at least 30 minutes before a heavy meal. In this way, the fruit will be digested quickly. Eat fruit when stomach is empty will help detoxify and supply more energy to lose weight.

6. Little to eat, but often
Ideally, you should eat 5-6 times per day. Eat more often better to keep your metabolism to keep working at higher levels throughout the day. But, do not use this rule as an excuse to overeat.

7. Stop eating after 8 pm
Stop eating after 8 pm through is the best way to prevent the habit of snacking in the middle of the night. If you find it difficult to apply it, try drinking a cup of tea or brush your teeth after dinner, and switch your mind off of eating.

Eating Fast Can Make You Fat

Sunday 27 November 2011 Labels: ,

Eating fatty foods, sweet, with a excess portion, it definitely makes you at risk of obesity. But there is one thing that could trigger the risk of obesity, which is eating too fast. In fact, according to research from Osaka University, Japan, the risk is doubled!

 According to Professor Ian McDonald from Nottingham University, eating too fast will override the mechanism that informs the brain that we are full. "The nerves send signals to the brain that the stomach is bulging. But at the same time, a hormone called ghrelin, which is released when the stomach empties to trigger the message-hungry start to decline," he said.

The message contains a "stop eating" it takes 20 minutes (once you start eating) to reach the brain. Imagine if you are classified as fast eaters, in 20 minutes you would have to eat too much.

In addition, according to Dr. David Forecast, consultant gastroenterologist at the London Clinic and St. Mark's Hospital, eating too fast also causes your bloating and discomfort in the abdomen.

"You will swallow the air in large quantities, which can cause discomfort in the digestive tract," he said. "If you feel comfortable, but not too full when standing, its sign you have enough to eat."

Coconut Milk For a Natural Body Slimming

Friday 25 November 2011 Labels:

Who would not be proud when their age estimated younger than actual age. The appearance of fresh facial skin and the slim body can be the value.

To achieve an ideal body weight, not a few women spend millions of dollars to fat burner cream and become a gym member. Meanwhile, just by consuming a glass of coconut milk, you can get a same benefits. Researchers in India found that young coconut water is able to lose weight and refresh the body. A glass of coconut water contains only 54 calories while the coconut milk contains approximately 550 calories.

However, coconut milk capable to repair deficiencies in the body fluids with a composition full of electrolytes. And coconut milk is used to excess salt solution. Similarly, as reported by Genius Beauty. Researchers believe that coconut milk can helps to reduce the overweight. The sweet taste makes us forget to think about dessert, and resist the urge to overeat.

Moreover, coconut milk contains no fat, but the natural sugars and minerals. Coconut milk is also rich in magnesium, potassium, and fiber.

How Facebook and Twitter Can Help Us to Get an Ideal Body Shape?

Wednesday 23 November 2011 Labels:

Nowdays, the diet program no longer monotonous. According to Marjorie Nolan, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, social networks like Facebook and Twitter has become one of the new media to deliver us to the ideal body shape. "Technology has offered a practical way to get millions of tips, tricks, and motivation to lose weight fast. And now both the social network becomes a sort of new diet teacher. "

More programs of this digital diet happened because we are getting rid of gadgets that make it easier to get information. "Almost all people from accessing Facebook or Twitter. Not to mention the smartphone or tablet screens that allow them to download a variety of applications diet program, "said Nolan.

Here are five benefits that we can get from social networking, to make us have a proportionate body is desired.

1. We can get the motivation from many followers.
When we write a status or tweet what to target our diet, many people will cheer. In fact, according to Rachel Meltzer Warren, RD, a nutritionist who lives in New York, friends or followers who read your status and is undergoing a diet, will quickly find a friend to lead a struggle discard fat. "And when we managed to throw the first 4.5 kg, will be a lot of people who come celebrate with us." This is what makes us more excited to do the diet.

Social networking has made a personal story to the attention of the community. And Warren called it a new way to show concern towards healthy living community. "At this time also being carried out research to see how technology such as social networking can help teenagers want to live healthy and have an ideal weight," Warren added.

2. Sharing success stories in the online journal Health
Some magazines, like Prevention Indonesia, has facilities Journal of Health which is a personal journal to record or tip healthy challenge that we face when undergoing a diet program. The journal is also equipped with a food diary to record food and beverages we enjoy every day. That way, we will be more aware of themselves to provide for the correct amount of calories needed. Not only that, the Journal of Health also comes with a healthy activity to record a whole series of sports that we have done.

Journal of Healthy Bonus is "online diary" this would be more consistent for us to undergo a diet program. The other readers can help provide input or motivation, so it felt like I was doing a diet program together. And this according to Nolan is the most effective way to make yourself stay on track during a diet program.

3. Our smartphone is a personal trainer.
Need help to calculate how many calories we have enjoyed until this afternoon? No need to bother looking for a doctor of nutrition to find out, because now so many applications available that allows us to calculate the nutrients and calories we will consume. There was even an application that tells how far to step foot when walking exercise in the afternoon.

The advantages of these applications are, they are made with very specific diets so that all our targets can be achieved with ease. According to the Pew Research Center, currently nearly 15 percent of the smartphone has been providing various types of applications for healthy living, including diet program. "We can start the application download calorie counter, step counter foot, until the food nutrition info that we will enjoy," said Nolan.

Even Nolan recalled, there is one application cravings Manager who will remind us through excerpts healthy, that we should think twice about giving up on appetite. "So when we set the time 5 minutes on that application, then every 5 minutes or so excerpts will appear healthy so that we feel are always encouraged to apply a healthy diet.

4. Record all traces of fat we are.
Interactive online facility is also simple, and serves as an effective reminder. For example when we try an application that stores our weight from the start, was, until the diet is finished. Online application system that enables us to see it periodically, so always remember the targets to be achieved.

5. E-mail chain that motivated.
A UK study found a fact, respondents who received an email from nutrition experts feel motivated to undergo diet programs more easily. Because when an e-mail, the respondent can easily apply what the nutritionist suggested. "It's like a direct consultation, it's just a different medium. But this way it allows them to interact more freely again with a nutritionist or personal trainer, "said Nolan.

Let's begin to take advantage of technological sophistication that is, with such a diet will be more varied and more enjoyable. So we not only pay the monthly dues of smartphone facilities, but also make our intentions healthy life much easier.

Teenagers Obesity Brings Susceptibility to Harmfull Infectious Diseases, What is The Causes?

Monday 21 November 2011 Labels: ,

Overweight and obesity threaten youth. That conditions which is caused by excess nutrients, brings susceptibility to harmfull infectious diseases. Teens also tangled problem of overweight. Teenage girls obese increased from 23.8 percent to 26.9 percent. Obese adolescent males increased from 13.9 percent to 16.6 percent.

"Of the ten girls, three of them obese. Of the ten young men, two of whom were obese, "said Professor of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Human Ecology Hardinsyah Bogor Institute of Agriculture at the National Seminar on Nutrition in the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia Depok, Saturday (19/11).

One third of obese children will become obese when adults. "The risk of obesity in adulthood was greater in children who are very obese and older children (3-10 years)," he said.

Head of Community Development Sub-Ministry of Health Nutrition Vigilance Sumarna Erman stated, cases of excess weight (overweight-obese level above) continues to increase. Comparison of the results of basic medical research in children aged under five years old show, overweight 12.2 percent recorded in 2007 and rose to 14 percent in 2010. In addition to diet and less physical activity, excess body weight due to past policies that equalize the improvement of nutrition of children regardless of specific conditions.

Degenerative diseases
Excess weight is strongly linked to many degenerative diseases that harm, among other things, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, blood pressure, and bone. So far the sports exercices are still considered a solution to prevent obesity. Healthy lifestyles, such as staying off cigarettes and liquor are also positive. In addition to exercise and choose healthy foods, Hardinsyah giving tips to lose weight by drinking 500 milliliters of water before the main meal. Many drinks can greatly help reduce weight.
The way it triggers fat metabolism. By reducing weight, the risk of various diseases can be reduced.

Global problem
The issue of nutrition has been a problem of many countries. In addition to the United States, many people in China are experiencing the problem of overweight. While in other countries, like Malaysia and Timor Leste, according to Erman, faced with the problem of short stature, thin body. In Laos and Cambodia, hit by shortage of vitamin A.

In Indonesia? "All the nutritional problems that exist, such as anemia, vitamin A, overweight, iodine, and iron. This shows we've got a serious problem, "Erman said. The impact of all conditions that can be found among children of primary and secondary school age. Sri Megawati, Director of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs stated Frisian Flag, comprehensive micronutrient research conducted in Indonesia is still lacking. During its products in Indonesia about 90 years, the size of the nutrient content of milk in it is still based global research.

"There is not specific to the condition of the people of Indonesia," he said. Since January 2011, along with Nutritionist Association of Indonesia (Persagi), conducted a study of 7200 children aged 23 months to 12 years in 48 districts / cities and 25 provinces are selected randomly. Researchers checked blood, giving psychological tests, and surveys lifestyle / consumption. Estimated to be completed end of December 2011.

Wrong Diet Method: Seven Common Mistakes About Diet & Nutrition

Friday 18 November 2011 Labels: ,

Here are the seven common mistakes about diet & nutrition diet that would make you fail.
Did not consume any fatExperts agree that low-fat diet is a great way to scrape off excess weight. But, a research recently showed that eating a little healthy fat (especially monounsaturated fats), which combined with a diet high in fiber and protein, can help you lose weight. In this way, as it says Penny Kris Etherton, Ph.D., RD, nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University, will make you feel full longer. You were much more determined to keep running weight loss program.

Too many 'ban'Many women stop their favorite foods. The reason is because there are several types of diets say all food is dangerous and can make their bodies 'bubble'. "You can not see the food partially," said Dayle Hayes, MS, RD, nutrition consultant from Billngs, Mont. "When you get rid of a bunch of foods, then you throw a variety of important nutrients." "Creating a 'list of foods that should not be eaten' style diet is arguably the oldest in the world," adds Robyn Flipse, RD, nutrition consultant. Yet what is important is the way to shop or prepare food for himself and doing regular physical activity. For instance, if you do not drink milk, diary products or eating peanuts, means you lose some of the best sources of protein. If you avoid eating fat-rich fish like salmon, sardines or tuna, then you get rid of sources of omega-3 fatty acids are very important.

You hit 'amnesia'Research shows that many people forget what it has eaten all day long or pretended not to know what is not so visible on his food (such as sauce, sugar or fats are hidden in food). In addition, it is easy to 'forget' the calories that you can pass snacking. But remember, the body never lies. The results will you look at the size of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs are enlarged.
"I once took my friend all day and was so stunned by how easily he forgets what he has to eat," said Ann Litt, MS, RD, LD, a nutritionist and author of The College Student's Guide to Eating Well on Campus (Tulip hill Press, 2000). "Too many small bites and sips if collected can be equal to one full meal if you're not careful," he added.

Diets that do not fit to your lifestyleHaving the desire to eat healthier and lose weight is certainly very good. But, if not handled with a proactive attitude and personal, then the diet with the best goals can lead to failure.
To make it real, try to look at your lifestyle and determine how what would be successful and what is not for you. When you work around where there are no healthy food available, it would not hurt you bring lunch from home. Or try subscribing rantangan diet to get healthy and low calorie foods. Or always order a half portion of food when you eat out.

Being a vegetarian? To be slim?You think not eating meat at all will make you lose body fat? Think again. Because the truth is much better reasons to become vegetarian, and weight loss is not one of them. Why? Many women who get rid of meat do not lose weight because they do not eat meat in large quantities.
In fact, many of the 'vegetarian instant' actually gain weight because they replace the meat with a large serving of noodles, rice, or pie. Though all of these foods contain calories which is almost as large as the meat, do not even contain a protein that makes you more powerful. To become a vegetarian need more than just replacing meat with tofu or always eat vegetables every day. Being a vegetarian is a process that creates patterns which include among others a new shopping and cooking habits.
To change slowly, try to buy the book cooking vegetarian menu. That sounds good if you consult with a dietitian to create meal plans that satisfy your taste buds and simultaneously meet your nutritional needs.

Your weight increased 2-digitIt is easy to gain weight as much as 2 pounds, but also quite easy to cut back. You can scrape the excess weight of 2 kg within a month without making any adjustments that are essential to the calories you consume each day. To remove 1 / 2 pounds, you simply reduce 3500 calories can cut down the amount of calories you consume or by exercising harder to burn more calories. By reducing about 500 calories each day, you can discard 1 / 2 pounds a week, or about 2 pounds in a month.
But, if you increase the weight of 5 kg or more, then you need to make a greater commitment. That will at least take two months, or you have to reduce more calories from food each day and increase your exercise schedule. And obviously this is not a realistic scenario.

To stop the weight gain at first, make a diet diary to track calorie intake and your emotions are associated with food. Then weigh yourself at the same time each week. So suggestions Dwan Jackson, RD, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Better yet if you check your body fat every month. By reviewing your progress regularly and make minor adjustments in diet and your exercise habits, it is certain there will be changes to the numbers on the scale.

There is always a planIt is normal to feel hungry, so rather than deny the 'call of nature' is planned at the moment of your time to iapar you eat on time. Because if not, you tend to lose control and overeat. "You should not travel more than four to five hours without eating first," advises Evelyn Tribole.RD, nutrition consultant in Irvine, California. "Bring your lunch to work, if you do not like the food menu in the cafeteria. Bring also a healthy snack such as fruit, nonfat yogurt, or boiled peanuts you can eat while in a vehicle or in accord-interrupted lunch".

Diabetes is One of Stroke Trigger

Wednesday 16 November 2011 Labels: ,

People with diabetes are two times greater risk of stroke. "Diabetes is a trigger. The disease is also not the direct cause of death. This disease can cause complications. People with diabetes also have the possibility of amputation. Amounting to 75 percent of diabetics die of heart attacks," he said in Jakarta, Wednesday (16/11).

Diabetes is a disease caused by failure or lack of proper functioning of insulin. Insulin is produced by pancreas. Functions of insulin such as 'funnel' that delivers sugar into the cells. If the 'funnel' is absent or not functioning optimally, sugar is not channeled into the cell. As a result, sugar is eaten into the blood. Cells that can not eat will starve and destroy theirself.

This disease has a type one and two. Type of the objec damaged pancreas and does not produce insulin. As a result, the body suffers an absolute deficit of insulin. In type two, there is damage to body cells despite adequate amount of insulin. This resulted in relative insulin deficit.

Diabetes is a disease related to lifestyle. "Normaly diabetics age range from 50 to 60. Now dozen of twenty years old have got a diabetes". Irregular eating habits with big portions, smoking, and lack of exercise to be triggered. People must raise awareness of this disease.

Doctor said, people usually are not aware of diabetes. When the control has occurred complications. As a result of treatment must be given immediately. Currently diabetes has become the second largest human killer after the stroke. This disease can actually be prevented. "Notice the portions and frequency of eating. Consumption of vegetables and fruits will be help. Do not forget to exercise. Minimum 30 minutes, three to five times a week.

Low Fat Milk, What is The Side effects?

Tuesday 1 November 2011 Labels:

Want smooth face free of acne? You should avoid low-fat milk. Low-fat milk is great for people who are dieting because it can reduce the fat in the body. However, milk side effect of this type often causes pimples on our face.

Practitioners skin specialist, Dr. Larisa Paramitha, SpKK, said that the low fat content of milk can actually cause acne. "Factor acne even exist when the process of removal of fat in the milk," he told Reuters. Acne, according to him, is not an allergic disease. Acne is not due to a food allergy.

However, acne is caused by oil production in the skin, more than usual. "Its production is condensed so that it appears to the surface of the skin as acne," he explained.

Diet For Your Wedding Day? Why Not

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Each women in everywhere want to look perfect on her wedding day. In addition to doing a lot of care, so many brides who choose to diet. They do that in order to get the silhouette is more charming in her wedding dress.

"Dieting before marriage in my opinion legitimate. Especially if the bride is fairly fat, "said Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan as Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University in The Importance of Early Education Breakfast event" by the Blue Band and Sari Roti in SD Islam Dian Didaktika, Cinere, Tuesday (01/11/2011).

The pressure to appear perfect on the day was the happiest bride rarely understood as a fitting moment to more stringent diets, which according to Prof. Ali described as "one step". "The brides should not diet excessively. Fear can be weak, even fainted during the day, "he concluded.

Try this foods before your wedding day:

1. Oatmeal
"One important part to get the best feeling on your wedding day is to eat the right foods so emotionally stable," said Keren Gilbert RD as the founder of Decision Nutrition.

The goal is to burn calories the body and allows blood sugar levels rise slowly for a long time, and come down slowly as well. A great way to do this is to start the day with a bowl of oatmeal.

"These foods contain soluble fiber, so it can slow the absorption of glucose in your stomach and keep the blood sugar remains stable," he added.

2. Clam
To arouse your sex drive, shell be the best snack that can be consumed. These foods can work as a libido enhancer substance that can help the production of testosterone is higher, so the increase in arousal would be pumping by itself.

3. Salad
"The wedding day will make your body tired. Not infrequently, eyes and legs felt stiff and swollen. As a workaround, try mentium slices and parsley and 1 ¼ cup lemon juice to ease it, "said Jackie Keller, nutrition expert celebrities based in LA.

4. Fruit and vegetables
If you do not have enough fluids, your body will be lethargic. Fruits and vegetables may be a natural source that can provide the liquid supply up to 95 percent. You can eat melon, papaya, and mango that contain potassium which may help regulate the body's balance.

Zerona Lipolaser, Slim Body Without any Operation

Saturday 29 October 2011 Labels: , , ,

Ideal body has always been a dream womanhood. Just a centimeter wide waist is a disaster. The implication, weight loss products and treatments sold in the market.

Moreover, the results of a survey conducted the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany, said that women get more satisfaction from the body slimmer than romance. No wonder then she became the main market of slimming products.

However, not all products and treatments offered in the market are risk-free. If one chose instead gained a slim body, the disease actually arrive. Understand the concerns about body shape womanhood, Dr. Deby Vinski AAMS latest body treatments presenting a minimal risk, while providing a quick effect without danger.

Zerona Lipolaser, who was recently released on Casa Deby Vinski, is claimed to overcome the weight of complaints that are difficult to fall, as well as destroy the stubborn fat. More than that, Zerona does not involve the operative procedure, the syringe also making it suitable for those who fear surgery and needle phobia.

This tool has a secure certificate from the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) of USA. In Indonesia, Dr. Deby Vinski AAMS known as "The Queen of Anti-Aging", is the first to introduce Zerona Lipolaser. While, in some countries like America, India, and Malaysia, Zerona Lipolaser popular after being introduced by Dr. Oz on one episode of "Oprah Winfrey Show".

In Zerona Lipolaser launch held at the Casa Deby Vinski in Pondok Indah, Jakarta, some time ago, also attended the celebrities like Terri's daughter, Early Aminarti, Cici Paramida, Eddies Adelia, Anjasmara, even Sonny Tulung which is indeed a patient of Dr. Deby remained. Besides them, there is also Founder of Network World antiaging Dr. Anoop Chatuvedi of Americans who describe how the Zerona Lipolaser.

Zerona Lipolaser work without touching the skin of the patient. That's because it uses laser light having a spectrum similar to sunlight is good for the body. Therefore, does not cause burning sensation, soreness, and pain as usual use of lasers in beauty tools.

Interestingly, after dilaser, fat is not removed as it does in liposuction or liposuction. Fat that has dilaser it will re-processed in the body's metabolism. Fat is delivered to the liver, some is converted into energy, the remainder will be excreted through urine or feces.

"Parts of the body like a laser irradiated minimized. Laser will open up and shrink the fat cells ukurannya.Maka by itself, the fat that has been fused into a small processed by the liver into energy and the remainder disposed of through urine or feces, "explains Dr. Chatuvedi, which adds Zerona laser not only works on fat cells, also improve your metabolism and maximize the performance of the heart.

While Dr. Deby has recommended Zerona Lipolaser to 40 patients with successful results. "After trying on 40 patients within two months, the tool is proven safe. In two weeks, the circumference of the body will be reduced up to 10 cm. Zerona is also useful to suppress hunger, "said Dr. Deby, saying there is no age limit for treatment with Zerona Lipolaser.

"The age of the youngest ever to use this tool is 16 years old," he said.

For maximum results, should be done once a care package as much as six times. Each treatment, performed pelaseran for 20 minutes at the front of the body and 20 minutes on the back. The cost of one treatment Rp2, 5 million.

"After treatment, patients do not even need to do the treatment again for six to one year. If he continues to run a healthy lifestyle, weight and body shape will stay awake beyond, "said Dr. Deby.

One testimonial came from kenes presenter, Terri Princess. "At first I was curious about this tool, when you first saw on Oprah Winfrey on television. How could sophisticated tools that, eh was now in Indonesia, "he said.

Terri admitted fear of fat, but also did not dare consume slimming drugs, let alone perform surgery. He prefers to go on a diet and exercise.

"I'm not the same people who dare to drugs and surgery. So stand to eat alone deh mending. For treatment, I was looking for a truly safe. If Zerona, I dare to do because of baseball no blood at all, "he said.

6 Amazing Thing of Sweat

Friday 21 October 2011 Labels:

Many people especially women, feel lazy to move physical or sunbathe for fear of sweating. Sweat makes the body feel sticky, so limp hair, makeup will melting. But, you know that behind the sweat there are many amazing things?

Sweat production is affected fitness levels. After finishing move, the body will be heat and sweaty. This sweat is serves to cool your body. According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, the athletes sweat more than others because the athlete's body has to adjust itself to maintain its body temperature to keep them cool by increasing the amount of sweat. The same study also published in the Journal of Experimental Physiology, which says that when the body is feeling unwell and her temperature heat, the sweat gland activity will work harder to produce more sweat than healthy people.

Men sweat more than women. According to David Pariser, MD, secretary of the International Hyperhidrosis Society, men sweaty four times or more a day. Both men and women have the same number of sweat glands, but the larger male sweat glands so that sweat produced was also more. Larger body also affects the more surface area to be cooled, and in addition it also causes male hormonal variations sweat more. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Physiology found that in healthy men and women also produce a different amount of sweat.

Two types of sweat. You may assume that all the sweat is the same. But Hratch Karamanoukian, MD, director of the Center for Excessive Sweating center reveals, there are two types of sweat, the sweat produced by glands ekrin, and produced by apocrine glands.

Ekrin gland responsible for producing "sweat" water which is composed largely of water and salt. These glands are found throughout the body, but usually concentrated on the hands, feet and face. This serves to cool the sweat of your body, either because of sports or hot temperatures.

While the apocrine glands produce less sweat, and located where there are hair follicles (one in the armpit), and usually sweat is odorless because it is often exposed to bacteria that cause odor. Consequently, we smell the sweat that stung.

Sweat as a stress signal. Do not think that facial expressions, body language, and voice is the only way that can express your feelings. The sweat that comes out of the body is also one sign that you're stressed. If you are sweating due to stress, then you do not realize that you can submit a tension for those around you.

"When you're stressed, would sweat out through both of these glands. However, apocrine glands which causes the smell of sweat will work first," said Dr. Pariser. In other words, when you feel stressed, you will emit the scent of sweat that can be smelled by others.

A study published in the journal PLoS One (scientific journal published by the Public Library of Science) indicate a change in brain activity when participants smelled the sweat of others in a given situation. This will cause them to raise awareness of a condition they would have done.

Excessive sweating can be a disease. One thing that is excessive is not good. According to Dr Karamanoukian, about 1-3 percent of people around the world have hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by excessive sweating because sweat glands are overactive. Although the exact cause of hyperhidrosis is unknown, the symptoms of excessive sweating began since their teens.

"People will be sweating for no apparent reason, and it makes no difference if they are in the room is cool or hot, stressed or relaxed. The areas most affected by hyperhidrosis are the armpits, hands, feet and face," he added. However, hyperhidrosis can be treated with a variety of ways, such as using deodorants, botox, liposuction, and so forth.

Sweat can be controlled. Deodorants typically contain aluminum or zirconian as their active ingredient. Both of these materials after contact with water will clog and stop the sweat glands to produce sweat glands.

"Antiperspirant most effective when applied to dry skin. If you are using this antiperspirant in the morning, you will definitely be sweaty or wet armpits," said Dr. Pariser.

If skin surface is wet, a chemical reaction that formed from aluminum in deodorants will occur on the skin surface and not in the pores. Instead, use this deodorant at night when sweat production is at its lowest. Even this deodorant will still work when you shower the next morning and could last for several days.

Easy Healthy Diet Tricks

Sunday 16 October 2011 Labels: , , ,

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.
Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”—it’s not justwhat you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. Additionally, learning the habits of healthy eating can boost your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.

Healthy eating tip 1: Set yourself up for success
Simplify. Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety and freshness—then it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.

Start slow and make changes to your eating habits over time. Trying to make your diet healthy overnight isn’t realistic or smart.  Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or switching from butter to olive oil when cooking.  As your small changes become habit, you can continue to add more healthy choices to your diet.

Every change you make to improve your diet matters. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet.  The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts.
Try not to think of certain foods as “off-limits.” When you ban certain foods or food groups, it is natural to want those foods more, and then feel like a failure if you give in to temptation. If you are drawn towards sweet, salty, or unhealthy foods, start by reducing portion sizes and not eating them as often. Later you may find yourself craving them less or thinking of them as only occasional indulgences.

Think smaller portions. Serving sizes have ballooned recently, particularly in restaurants. When dining out, choose a starter instead of an entrée, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything. At home, use smaller plates, think about serving sizes in realistic terms and start small.  Visual cues can help with portion sizes—your serving of meat, fish or chicken should be the size of a deck of cards. A teaspoon of oil or salad dressing is about the size of a matchbook and your slice of bread should be the size of a CD case.

Greens: Greens are packed with calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E and K, and they help strengthen the blood and respiratory systems. Be adventurous with your greens and branch out beyond bright and dark green lettuce—kale, mustard greens, broccoli, Chinese cabbage are just a few of the options.

Sweet vegetables: Naturally sweet vegetables add healthy sweetness to your meals and reduce your cravings for other sweets. Some examples of sweet vegetables are corn, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes or yams, winter squash, and onions.

Fruit: A wide variety of fruit is also vital to a healthy diet. Fruit provides fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Berries are cancer-fighting, apples provide fiber, oranges and mangos offer vitamin C, and so on.