Hunger is Not Always Want to Eat

Friday 16 December 2011 Labels: ,

When the stomach is like singing, we tend to respond as hunger that must be filled with food to muffle the sound. In fact, the "hunger" does not necessarily mean we need food.

According to experts at the American Academy of Family Physicians, hunger signals are often the result of physical and emotional needs are felt. In general there are several conditions that could lead to hunger signals:

- Dehydration
The characteristics of dehydrated body is limp and sleepy. This is almost the same characteristics when we are feeling very hungry. And the body will react the same, that is asking us to include food as a source of new energy. Therefore, for those who are dieting, the body's fluid needs should be inadequate.

- "Craving" or wanted to eat something
Feeling of want to eat certain foods, like chocolate, ice cream, or salty foods, can cause persistent stomach "growling". Craving can be caused by many things, ranging from micro-body lacks substance because of the encouragement given to emotion.

- Moderate stress
When emotions are not stable, ranging from feeling angry, lonely, or sad, the stomach tends to feel empty because basically there is a need to find certain foods that can provide a calming effect.

- Need nutrition
When the body lacks energy then it sends hunger signals to the brain. When it was time to eat, you should immediately fill your belly with nutritious food. If we delay too long, might become the head of dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and began to feel exhausted because sugars in the blood thinning. The more hungry then you make the more diasup food.


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