On a Diet Doesn't Mean You Can Not Snacking, Do it On The Right Time

Friday 23 December 2011 Labels: , ,

Some experts said, snacking should be avoided in order to maintain body weight. Meanwhile, an opinion which oppose it say snacking effectively maintain weight loss because it can reduce a large appetite. Which is correct?

Based on recent studies published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers say that snacking should be avoided when we're on a diet, as long as it done in a timely manner.

In that study, 123 postmenopausal women who are overweight are divided into two groups, namely that a program of diet alone, while the rest are on a diet and exercise. After 12 months, turns weight loss is almost the same in both groups. However, in women who snack in between breakfast and lunch experience the most significant weight loss.

Indeed, further research is needed to determine whether the time snacking effect on weight loss. According to lead researcher, Dr. Anne McTiernan, who also must be considered is the frequency of snacking.

"If you start snacking in the morning, then you will tend to eat more throughout the day," he said. According to him, snacking positive impact if the distance intertemporal eat about five hours or more, for example, between lunch and dinner.

"Snacking can increase the intake of nutritious foods and are usually able to control excessive appetite," said Connie Diekman, director of the Washington University Department of Nutrition.

No less important, of course kind of snack. Make sure the snacks are selected to have less than 200 calories, such as low-fat yogurt, nuts, fruit, or crackers Cereal intact.

Muaythai to Make Your Ideal and Slim Body Shape

Thursday 22 December 2011 Labels: ,

Making a slim body is not just a dream if you live it with full of struggles. In addition to diet, exercise needs to be done to undergo in order to maintain the firmness of the body. One exercise you can do that Muaythai, where during the exercise carried out all the muscles of the body moves. With the intensification of the movement is not wrong if thousands of calories were burned directly.

Nano Oerip as Fitness First Fitness Training Manager said that Muaythai can burn 700 to 1,200 calories in 60 minutes. "For starters, the burning of calories ranges from 700-800 calories per session, while for the 'advance' could reach over 1,000 calories," he explained in the show "Press Conference & Coaching Clinic: Muaythai for Fitness, Muaythai for All" at Plasa Bapindo, Jakarta , Wednesday (21/12/2011).

Well, to lose weight by integrating movements Muaythai with cardiovascular exercise, Nano also give some specific tips.

- Perform aerobic exercise for 10 minutes a day like walking leisurely. Increase to 30 minutes per day for five times a week. This will form the basis of fitness and aerobic capacity in your body.

- Eat foods that are nutritionally balanced and healthy to ensure your body has fuel and recovery before, during and after your exercises. Do not forget to drink enough water.

- Integrate Muaythai techniques into your cardio sessions up to five times per week. This will give you the ability to perform basic movements and conditioning your body better while increasing your calorie burning deficit.

Shadow boxing is important in practice Muaythai and shaping techniques and a good foundation before training with techniques more difficult. Add push-ups, body squats, core exercises, jog in place, and jump rope in between movements Muaythai to add variety and intensity of the overall training.

- Rest and selection becomes an important part of the process of losing weight. For that, make sure you sleep and adequate rest so your body can recover and adapt to your training.

Zero Calorie Food List for Your Daily Diet

Tuesday 20 December 2011 Labels: , ,

That is certainly not without calories at all, but the food has fewer calories than the energy you need to digest it. For example, the average calories a tomato 26 calories, but you need 60 calories to digest these tomatoes. Thus, you actually burn 34 calories.

Because there is no research that supports about whether or not in losing weight, zero-calorie food "is categorized as a myth. What foods are included in the" non-caloric "The answer is, apples, apricots, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cranberry, cucumber, fennel, garlic, green beans, kale, leek (leek), lemons, lettuce, onions, oranges, peppers, pineapple, plums, raspberries, spinach, strawberries, yellow radish, tomato, and watermelon.

Some weight loss program claims to use food "zero calories". Basically is if you eat foods on the list, which means it has very low calories, your body will use more calories to digest the food. You must consume these foods in large quantities every day, so the weight will come down. Thus, foods that are "advertised" as a calorie-free is actually low in calories and many nutrients. By adding to the daily diet, you'll consume fewer calories and ultimately lead to weight loss. Foods rich in fiber usually requires a lot of energy to digest. So, not at all surprising if the category is entered as a food "zero calories" are fruits and certain vegetables.

These foods tend to contain more fiber than other foods. High in fiber that causes weight loss. Besides needing a lot of energy to digest, the food takes too long to digest properly. However, please remember, the food in the list will make it easier for you hungry, because the body must work harder to digest.

So, what can you do with any kind of zero calorie foods? Of course eating them. Only, there are several ways to make them look more attractive. One of them is to combine fruits with vegetables.

Mixed Fruit and Vegetables, What can be done with the fruit?
• Snacking on fruit? Why not? Fruit can be a snack food that is okay.
• Fruit is also a suitable dessert.
• Orange juice or other fruit drinks can be consumed at any time.
• Strawberries and cranberries can be delicious and healthy smoothies, or cut into pieces and add to the yogurt.

There are many things you can do with fruit, especially those already mentioned. If time is pressing, plums or apricots can be eaten while leaving for work. Apple
the same way.

Now with the vegetables. Vegetables are boiled, sauteed, baked or less is an important part in the daily diet. Cooking vegetables with a little caution (do not get too ripe) will make a maximum intake. Not only in quantity but also quality, for example in terms of nutrition.

To be more varied vegetables, such as mixing different kinds of fruits in other foods, you can do the following things:
• Insert a slice of lemon to the pan where you cook carrots or add a little lemon juice.
• Add a few leaves of basil or oregano into the tomato soup.
• Add the crushed garlic and a slice of ginger into stir-fry vegetables.
• Use fresh herbs to add flavor salads.
• Season the vegetables. Carrots really like coriander, peas fit with mint, chili peppers for a great couple.

The point is fruits and vegetables are very necessary as daily food because combating many diseases, ranging from heart attacks to cancer. Improving eyesight, makes hair shiny, strengthen teeth and nails, increase energy, also a few of the many tasks of fruit and vegetables.

You do not need to rely on fruits and vegetables because it is low in fat, also contains many vitamins and minerals. However, when deciding to use a hol-calorie foods in the diet, daily, do not forget the importance of protein. Low-calorie diet will lose weight, but you also need to keep it balanced nutrition can have enough energy and active.

To lose weight more quickly, set the day what you will eat zero calories. Zero calorie foods to eat one or two a week and eat a regular on another day.

Weight loss programs that do not regularly it will not only help you lose weight effectively, but also became one of the tricks that your mind is not fixated on weight loss. Therefore, the program is too regularly is more likely it will fail. Congratulations to add a zero-calorie foods in your diet. May the weight down as you expect

What is The Causes of Weight Gain After Marriage?

Monday 19 December 2011 Labels:

Some men and women feels more fat after marriage. This feeling could be not just a myth. The new study presented at the American Sociological Association, declared the marriage can indeed lead to weight gain is quite significant. The study said that after marrying her body weight can be increased up to 33 percent. That number was still in the small scale category. Increased weight on a larger scale, even reaching 48 percent. But wait, do not rush to blame if your marriage has suddenly become obese. Studies conducted in 2006 found that there is a tendency dietary changes in women after marriage.

People who are married tend to often eat together. It is believed to be one cause of increasing a person's weight after marriage. If the husband has to eat more portion, this can affect the appetite of the wife. In other words, the desire to eat a lot sometimes not caused by their own appetite, but appetite comes from eating infected by their partners.

Newly married couples also tend to often make cooking experiment. Spent the weekend together, often synonymous with making a new menu on their food. As a form of appreciation, the husband will eat all the food as a reward for his wife. Meanwhile, the wife will also be affected with husband's appetite.

Amen, men tend to spend more calories than women, even while resting. While the woman's body burning calories at a slower pace. Therefore do not be surprised women are more prone to gain weight after marriage.

Hunger is Not Always Want to Eat

Friday 16 December 2011 Labels: ,

When the stomach is like singing, we tend to respond as hunger that must be filled with food to muffle the sound. In fact, the "hunger" does not necessarily mean we need food.

According to experts at the American Academy of Family Physicians, hunger signals are often the result of physical and emotional needs are felt. In general there are several conditions that could lead to hunger signals:

- Dehydration
The characteristics of dehydrated body is limp and sleepy. This is almost the same characteristics when we are feeling very hungry. And the body will react the same, that is asking us to include food as a source of new energy. Therefore, for those who are dieting, the body's fluid needs should be inadequate.

- "Craving" or wanted to eat something
Feeling of want to eat certain foods, like chocolate, ice cream, or salty foods, can cause persistent stomach "growling". Craving can be caused by many things, ranging from micro-body lacks substance because of the encouragement given to emotion.

- Moderate stress
When emotions are not stable, ranging from feeling angry, lonely, or sad, the stomach tends to feel empty because basically there is a need to find certain foods that can provide a calming effect.

- Need nutrition
When the body lacks energy then it sends hunger signals to the brain. When it was time to eat, you should immediately fill your belly with nutritious food. If we delay too long, might become the head of dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and began to feel exhausted because sugars in the blood thinning. The more hungry then you make the more diasup food.

Easy and Simple Ways to Increasing Metabolism

Thursday 15 December 2011 Labels:

Metabolism is the process where food and calories are converted into energy to perform all body activities. Some related metabolic disorders frequently associated with decreased health status.

Actually, there are some easy and simple way to overcome the problem of metabolic disorders. Here are some simple ways to boost your metabolism through nutrient intake and nutritional:

1. Diet foods rich in iron
Iron intake is especially important to carry oxygen from the muscles to burn body fat. Shellfish, lean meats, nuts, cereals, and spinach are the best source of iron. But keep in mind, taking iron supplements is not the best idea, especially if it gets excessive. Too much iron intake has been associated with greater risk of heart disease in men.

2. Vitamin D
The researchers estimate there are still many people who have not quite meet the intake of vitamin D through their diet or eating patterns. In fact, vitamin D is essential for preserving muscle tissue metabolism. You can provide for the amount of vitamin D through food, especially salmon, tuna, fortified milk, cereals, and eggs.

3. Drinking Milk
There is some evidence that calcium deficiency can slow the body's metabolic processes. Research shows that eating calcium in the form of fat-free dairy foods and low fat yogurt can reduce fat absorption from other foods.

4. Watermelon
A recent study in the Journal of Nutrition claims, the amino acid arginine is abundant in watermelon fruit, can promote weight loss. The findings are based on the results of experiments on mice that are obese and arginine administered for more than 3 months. The result, researchers found that a decrease in body fat increased by 64 percent.

5. Stay hydrated
All the chemical reactions that occur in the body, including metabolism depends on water. If you're dehydrated, calorie burning process may be 2 percent less, according to researchers from the University of Utah - that monitor the metabolic rate of 10 adults related to the consumption of water per day.

In the study, researchers found that those who drank eight or twelve glasses of water a day had higher metabolic rates than those who drank less than that amount.

Diet For Your Wide Hip, What is The Relation Between Wide Hip and Over Weight

Wednesday 7 December 2011 Labels: ,

Someone Asking
Doc, I have wide hips. During this time I am trying to maintain weight, but still just look fat, does it have a relation? Which is better, eat often or eating much at once? Because I work in a place that requires me to many in the area. Thank you...

Doctor Answered:
The size of the wide hip circumference is really related to overweight or obese. Why? This is related to the type of obesity, namely:

1. Abdominal obesity (android obesity, or upper body obesity) that have characteristics have more fat cells larger and more resistant to insulin. Usually associated with metabolic disorders such as diabetes, elevated levels of blood fats or cholesterol, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

2. Peripheral obesity (overweight ginoid, or lower body obesity) have characteristics more fat cells are smaller and more sensitive to insulin. Well, the size of your hips are wide, including in peripheral obesity.

Then how to assess obesity to determine whether a person include being overweight or not? There are several ways that can be used:
* General physical appearance.
* Calculation of ideal body weight using Broca's height according to the formula (ideal weight = 0.9 (height-100)).
* Determine your body mass index (BMI, weight: height (m 2)).
* The ratio of the circumference of your hips / waist circumference (men and women less than 0.9 less 0.8).
* The size of waist circumference (men less than 90 cm and women less than 80 cm).
* Determination of thickness of fat in the abdomen, usually performed by examination or a particular tool.

After knowing the assessment, what to do?
a. Perform a diet with a complete and balanced nutrition, which means that the food consumed still contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water balance of the body needs. The number of daily caloric needs for Princess must first be calculated based on ideal body weight. Usually given as much weight x 25 kcal.

Often because we are already overweight tend to avoid eating carbohydrates or fats. This is a less precise sense because carbs are still required by the body at least 100 grams a day for the activity of brain cells and red blood cells. Likewise, the fat, which is still required as much as 25 percent of the total daily requirement.

b. Feeding schedule should be divided in 5-6 times a day, or a little but often. The goal is that hunger can still be handled so it does not happen "rapel" on foods that will result in a person eat more than they should. As a result the number of calories consumed to excess.

Therefore, for the Princess that many working in the field, sharing best to eat as much as 5-6 times a day, and not eating well. Princess does not have to worry about the hassles that can be tricked by bringing fruit such as apples, oranges, pears, bark, wine, etc. as a snack.

c. Do exercise regularly and measured every day for at least 30 minutes. Since the daughter did not provide data on body weight, height, and type of routine activity that is done, then I expect the possibility of Princess needs about 1200 kcal, and I give one example for 1200 kcal diet with 5-6 meals a division as follows:

* Breakfast (07.00): 2 pieces of wheat bread, peanut butter 1 tablespoon.
* Snack morning (10:00 hours): apple 1 piece, about 200 grams.
* Lunch (13:00): rice 100 grams, 50 grams of yellow fish seasoning, stir-fried tempeh mushroom 50 grams, 100 grams carrots spinach cah.
* Snack afternoon (16:00 hours): banana pancakes 1 piece of content.
* Dinner (19.00): 75 grams of rice, chicken satay spice 50 grams of soy sauce, tofu spice bali 30 grams, 100 grams of vegetables lodeh.
* Snack night (21:00): fruit jelly 50 grams, but can be omitted if you already feel full.

Lose Weight Without any Diet

Monday 5 December 2011 Labels: ,

Although there are many diet modes that can help lose weight, but some of them are considered less effective because it makes you feel less hunger and food intake.

Running a slimming program does not mean that you should reduce your intake of food or even not eat. If you want to slim the healthy way and not painful, try the following strategies:

1. More chewing
Studies show that the longer time you spend to chew, the less amount of calories you consume. Chewing longer prevent a person to overeat by giving the brain more time to receive signals from a full stomach. It is not only good for digestion, but also helps in limiting your portion sizes. Try to chew your food 35 to 50 times in the mouth.

2. Do not miss breakfast
Dense as any activity or work, you should squeeze in time for breakfast. Remember, your body is not the brain. The body needs to refuel several times each day. If you skip breakfast, you will feel so hungry at lunch time so you tend to overeat or may choose unhealthy foods. Skipping breakfast can slow down the metabolic processes in the body.

3. Concentrating on the food
How many times have you reprimanded by parents not to speak, read or watch TV while eating? Reprimand is not without reason. Because, when you eat while talking or watching television, your brain will not focus on the amount of food you consume and you are more likely to consume more food.

4. Do not cook too long
Cooking food for too long will kill or reduce the amount of nutrients. And when you're not getting enough nutrients, you will not feel satisfied and start looking for an unhealthy snack. To overcome this, try eating more raw foods such as salads, and avoid using the microwave.

5. Consumption of fruit before eating
Encouraged to eat fruit at least 30 minutes before a heavy meal. In this way, the fruit will be digested quickly. Eat fruit when stomach is empty will help detoxify and supply more energy to lose weight.

6. Little to eat, but often
Ideally, you should eat 5-6 times per day. Eat more often better to keep your metabolism to keep working at higher levels throughout the day. But, do not use this rule as an excuse to overeat.

7. Stop eating after 8 pm
Stop eating after 8 pm through is the best way to prevent the habit of snacking in the middle of the night. If you find it difficult to apply it, try drinking a cup of tea or brush your teeth after dinner, and switch your mind off of eating.