Avoid Instant Noodle When You are on a Diet

Sunday 8 January 2012 Labels: , ,

High-calorie foods must be avoided when you on a diet. Total calories needed for active women is around 2000-2200 calories per day. Excess calorie intake in women who are not matched by the burning of calories, such as with exercise, can make us overweight.

The greatest intake of calories derived from carbohydrates, such as noodles and rice. "But many people who think that the noodles have lower calories than rice. And on the contrary," said Dr. Patricia Wijaya, a cosmetics and beauty of Beauty Inc.., Told Compass Female, after the launch Healtimie Swiss Bel Hotel, Central Jakarta, Sunday (01/08/2012) then.

According to the nutritional adequacy rate, in 100 grams of white rice, there are around 175 calories, while a packet of instant noodles weighing 65 grams contains about 300 calories. That is, a packet of instant noodles the same as white rice tripled. "If you're on a diet, you should avoid consumption of instant noodles, because a very high calorie, but nutritionally only a little," he added. The basic ingredients of noodles made from wheat flour is what serves to undermine the stability of your diet. Just so you know, flour is also a high source of carbohydrates.

What's worse is if you use instant noodles as a side dish of rice eating friend. This of course would double the intake of calories into the body. The body will feel less heavy because too much intake of karbohdirat in the body, especially if it is not coupled intake of other nutrients such as vegetables. "Instead of eating noodles, should you eat other foods that are free of chemicals, and more healthy for the smooth running of your diet," said Dr. Patricia.

However, the consumption of instant noodles is not not allowed at all. You only need to reduce, or do not eat them regularly. Eating instant noodles once a week is still considered safe. Calorie content in instant noodles are also obtained from the drying process through frying, which is used cooking oil. In addition, a lot of oil during frying pan and heat turns the oil into saturated fats that are harmful to health.


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